Seems like a hot topic in many parts of the blog universe. I feel I should have an opinion, but as a fat middle age single bloke who’s not getting much at present its not really something I have given a lot of thought to. Hmm. Well, surprisingly for an old commie like me, I’m pretty much against. Children are gifts and there in lies our future. Killing is wrong. Yada yada yada. Mainly I’m very grateful that I will never have to make that decision. And that’s something I am passionate about. The right to make that decision. Every person (well, woman, unless there are some significant medical advances that I’ve not heard about) must have the right to choose.
Extreme scenario: 12 year old girl is raped. Turns out the child has major genetic defects and will be born damaged both physically and mentally and is unlikely to survive more than a few days. Further, due to her young age and the brutality of her impregnation the young girl faces serious risk if she attempts to carry the child to term. Of course that girl must have the right to abort if she chooses. Any person who insists she have the child is evil. Any god who condemns her is not worth worshiping.
And there in lies the heart of the issue. If there are cases where abortion must be allowed then who decides. And for me there is just one answer to that. Only the girl or woman whose child it is and whose body it is can make that choice. So anti abortion legislation is wrong. Hugely so. How much better that a woman can discuss the issue with family, with friends, with partners and spiritual advisers, safe in the knowledge that they are not conspiring to commit a crime. And, should she make the tough choice to have an abortion, how much better that she can do it safely, with the counselling and support she needs rather than being forced to some back street practitioner, being criminalised at a time when she most needs help.
Yes, maybe we need to reduce abortion. But legislation is not the way to achieve that. Maybe better sex education will help. Maybe contraception should be encouraged. But what if you guarantee every mother a home, sufficient funds to support her child, a society that will cherish and protect her and her child? What if you ensure that every child born regardless of race, colour or social position has enough to eat, free education and healthcare? Surely then far fewer women will feel they have to make the tough choice.
So, I say to all of you who expend so much time on your anti abortion campaigns. Refocus. We can make this world a better world. It’s a huge thing, but hell, we’ve walked on the moon. We are a species truly capable of greatness. Every child, enough to eat. Every child, free education and healthcare. We can do this thing. If we choose. In our lifetimes we can really do this. Us. Together. I believe.
God this fruit diet is screwing me up.