Sunday, July 31, 2005

Diary stuff

Well, its been a good couple of weeks. Way back when I went to the house of Merkin for a Barbie. Ate more meat than is wise, drunk, talked sport with Stav, drunk. There was a lunatic neighbour with a healthy disregard to the firework code heh heh, pretty good night. Strange week. Doing lots of meaningless stuff at work. Difficult to motivate myself as its crap but it needed doing and there is only so much solitaire you can play. Saw the lovely lisa. mmmm. lots of flirting but deep down we both remember why it was not good so I'm still single. Had a family do last weekend. Dave's 60'th. So my bro was there with his lovely wife and evil children (its like the good the bad an the ugly except you replace the good with the stupid). Lost every bet with my bro except the cricket/tree bet. The kids were pretty upset that we lost all the balls but it was for a big 10p. My lovely sis in law gave me a haircut (from 70's hippy to Hitler youth in five but it was free). And lots of other family that I may be related to and who's company I enjoyed, including some rather attractive girls. My sis, Lynn, was looking very desirable but for some reason prefers her intellegent, attractive and healthy Danish boyfriend to me and so still refuses to let me tie her up and spank her. (not quite incest as she's my first step mothers third husbands daughter by his first wife, but it would count in the list of sins achieved I'm sure). Anyhow, I had a really good time and thats all that's important. Then this week. I blew out Fuller on the cycling twice (fat and guilty as a result) and got good and drunk more than was wise. Not overly healthy.
So, for those monitoring my diet. I have gone from being 15 stone on a good day to 15 stone on a bad day. However, I'm miserable a lot of the time. I am really going to have to decide if being fat is not as bad as being on a diet. (ok, seen myself naked in the mirror. Fat is real bad).


Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Sally fails to mention that she has great boobs.

9:49 PM  
Blogger Old Man Rich said...

mmmm, breasts...

10:24 AM  
Blogger Old Man Rich said...

Sorry Sally, but I can't have a weight discussion with a girl. All girls are either very skinny & cool with it, a damn nice shape & paranoid their fat (betting thats you)or gross & think their attractive. Yup. All girls fall into one of these three stereotypes. no exceptions. :-)

Actually, I can eat what I want & be thin but that means exercise, which is even more miserable than diet or fat. Alternatively, someone suggested I could lose the gut if I cut down on the beer but thats just crazy talk.

3:12 PM  

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