Love is like a Butterfly
On the whole UK butterfly species are not doing to well. Of the 59 butterfly species that breed regularly in the UK and Ireland, more than three-quarters of species have suffered a decline since the 1970s, with numbers of several species down by more than two-thirds. But its not all bad news. The Essex skipper, comma, holly blue and speckled wood have all increased their range northwards thanks to global warming, and after a long period of extinction in the UK the large blue has been reintroduced from Sweden and is thriving at a number of sites. But these are the exceptions. And its habitat loss that’s the problem.
But even is a small garden you can help. Plant nectar rich plants such as buddleia, aubrietia and Sedums. But you also need places for caterpillars. And they like indigenous plants. Long grass, ivy, common trefoil, thistles and nettles amongst others. You really can have an attractive garden that’s also good for butterflies. Or a wilderness like Chez rich that should be good for butterflies. Except that I have seen just one solitary butterfly this year.
Perhaps its just still too cold up on my Telford hilltop. Its certainly going to be a brave girl who bares herself in the heating free arctic of my house. Maybe warmer weather will bring more butterflies. I certainly hope so. And as for sex, well I can always pay for that.