Last week the weather in England was near perfect. So I spent the week in Corfu. Corfu is a very green and lush Greek island. And there is a reason for this. It rains. A lot.
So, I was sharing an apartment the size of a small wardrobe with my Dad & his wife. It was raining. There were lots of screaming kids. (not, I must reluctantly add, my brothers kids, who were remarkably good all week).
But I sat in a bar near a nice pool, reading bad science fiction, eating seafood, Drinking with my Dad & My Bro and, by and large, doing absolutely nothing. Gotta be pleased with that.
Also had a long conversation with my youngest nephew (He’s 3 or 4 ish) about ladies boobies. He asked if I liked boobies. I do. So, apparently does he. He then asked if I went to boobie shops. Now, I was unaware that there are such things as boobie shops but I shall certainly make a point of going to them in the future. He also kindly pointed out that his mommy has boobies. That’s the only reason I looked Sue – honest.
About now you might expect some pictures. As you know, I have had a few problems with my camera of late. But before going on holiday I took it apart & cleaned it. Remarkably It went back together again. More remarkably it worked. Until I got to Greece. I took one picture (of my foot – by mistake) and it ceased to function again.
My Bro suggested that I throw it away and actually spend money on a new one. Silly boy. It’s a good camera. Apart from the fact that it doesn’t take pictures. Of course, you could argue that if it doesn’t take pictures its not so much of a camera as an unattractive ornament.