Friday, June 29, 2007

Good on you Mika Brzezinski

Newsreader Mika Brzezinski attempted to burn her script when told that the lead item on her news broadcast would be Paris Hilton. But what could be more important.? Sure, scientists in Edinburgh can create diamonds out of peanut butter. The worlds first inflatable spaceship has been successfully deployed. In a spirit of tolerance Germany have refused to let Tom Cruise film because of his religious beliefs & Marilyn Manson was refused entry to Cologne cathedral for wearing lipstick. And all around the world people are busy killing each other. Or trying to kill each other. Yeah, yeah. All very newsworthy. But hardly in the same league as our favourite overly skinny millionaires home-porn starlet being released from prison. C’mon Mika, get with it.


Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Couldn't agree more, blogged on this, job well done by the newsreader.

4:35 PM  
Blogger mal said...

absolutely nsane, isn't it?

4:32 PM  

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