Friday, January 09, 2009

First stones and all that

Now, I'm not a big fan of the Israeli's. I have a certain sympathy for the Arabs who suddenly found their homeland given away. But not enough sympathy to think it justifies tying explosives to your children & putting them on buses. Lets share the blame, there is plenty to go around.

But today apparently a British minister condemned Israels latest military incursion into Gaza. Now lets get this straight. On the basis that Iraq might be developing weapons which may, one day, possibly be used against us we invaded their country. (According to the Times, via google), this resulted in over 150,000 civilian casualties. Israel are actually having rockets fired at them, they have caused (according to the BBC today) an estimated two hundred and something civilian casualties. And were condemning them. Just a hint of double standards do you think.?

Now I want a ceasefire in Gaza. I want everyone to be friends. big up to world peace. (its a hangover from my time as a telly tubby). But even the Americans are staying fairly neutral on this one. Until we are prepared to send Tony to the Hague I suggest we shut up & let the less morally bankrupt do the talking.


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