Just drinking beer & watching the world pass by
So I’m sitting in a pub in Newcastle. Looking out of the window, which overlooks a pedestrian crossing. And three little girls dressed as cheerleaders turn up and wait to cross. I guess they are five or six, full red cheerleaders outfits including tinsel pompoms. Disgustingly cute. And then a fire engine comes along, and although the lights are green it stops & the driver waves the children across. But the crossing still shows the red man. And one little girl clearly thinks they should cross. An one little girl isn’t crossing until the man goes green, And the third little girl is clearly just thinking wow, there’s a fire engine, and is waving at the firemen. Who are laughing and waving back. Fortunately, the man turns green & the three girls hold hands & cross the road. And when they get across a fireman leans out and says something, I cant hear what, but the girls are giggling & waving & the fire engine beeps its horn & drives off, all the firemen waving.
Ten minute later two very attractive young women approach the crossing. Late teens, early twenties, visually pleasing. One is wearing a long white skirt. A gust of wind lifts her skirt and I get a pleasant flash of tanned thighs and white thong. And somehow her skirt gets caught in her earring. So she’s screaming and flashing her knickers to the world whilst her friend is creased up with laughter.
Sometimes life is just good.
Ten minute later two very attractive young women approach the crossing. Late teens, early twenties, visually pleasing. One is wearing a long white skirt. A gust of wind lifts her skirt and I get a pleasant flash of tanned thighs and white thong. And somehow her skirt gets caught in her earring. So she’s screaming and flashing her knickers to the world whilst her friend is creased up with laughter.
Sometimes life is just good.
I love watching people ..that would just be a fucking great time .:)
lucky you
Nice observational post dude but you are an old perv.
I hate it when my skirt gets caught in my earring.
But what beer ? In Newcastle ?
That would be Lager or "Brown" Lager from a bottle.
The problem with Blogs is that eventually they will be read by other sad old gits who can remember the good old days...of the Brewery Tap and North End Snooker club.
So what did you do in August ?
You must be drinking beer still . . .
jesus ..you start a new blog ?
I'm gonna google perv in newcastle :)
Where are you Rich? miss reading your brilliant blog!
Rich you old git have I scared you off ?
Or have you really had nothing to comment on since July ?
Did you make it out of Newcastle alive....or are you still there ?
Is Anon the almost legendary throbin Robin per chance? good to hear from you bud.
Rich ,
As the mild mannered janitor once said "could be !"
As you can see I haven't quite got the hang of this computer lark so have commented on your latest post before I saw your comment here.
P.S I haven't touched a "Bud" since the Superbowl of 1985/6 !
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