Wednesday, April 25, 2007

and I saw her face...

I had to spend a day in Birmingham. Which is nice. Wearing a suit. Which is not. Some people look goods in a suit. Some people look like a sack of s*** wearing a suit. I'll let you guess where I fit in that particular curve.
So I had a crap day. Work is pretty much like underage sex, but without the underage sex. Just straight into the beatings from B wing.

Home time. Train ride back. Packed. And because I helped the girl with the child buggie down the stairs I miss the opportunity to frott against some 18 year old German students & spend the train ride in the armpit of an ex soviet weightlifter. We arrive at Telford. I Get off, and I'm next to the guard. Does this train stop at Oakengates? I ask. (which is a station close to my heart, and, more importantly, the Crown) 'Yes' he says. So I leap back on.
And they do. Its not meant to, but they stop the train at Oakengates for me. How fantastic is that?


Blogger A Margarita said...

He must have thought you were pretty.

1:07 AM  
Blogger Mad Housewife said...

It was the suit. Had to be the suit.

12:53 PM  

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