Friday, June 30, 2006

Mad Scientists? nah, just a bit crazy.

Down in sunny Kent they found the remains of an elephant kill from 400,000 years ago. Oldest evidence of hunting in Britain. Skull, tusks, stone tools, the whole shebang. So they carted off a few of the bones & built a roundabout on the site. Hmm.

The countdown for the next shuttle launch has started. Despite the fact that Nasa's top safety official and lead engineer both opposed the flight, considering the latest shuttle modifications insufficient & unsafe. Bet that’s given the crew an overwhelming feeling of confidence.

Apparently, if you’re a bloke with older brothers your more likely to be gay. Research shows that this only occurs if you share the same mother & it still occurs if your bought up separately. It’s a womb thing not a nurture thing. I look on my younger brother in a whole new light.

Scientists (presumably very bored scientists) didn’t understand how the Saharan desert ants return to their nest without following their outbound route. They knew they navigated by the sun but didn’t know how they measured distance. So (I love this) they attached stilts to some of the ants legs, and amputated parts of others prior to their return journey. The Ants on stilts overshot the nest & the amputated ants stopped short. However, When the ants started out from the nest with the 'modifications' they returned ok. So we learn that ants measure distance by counting their steps. I feel I can sleep soundly at night once more.


Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...


5:10 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

I wonder if counting my steps would help me find where I parked the car.

8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They gave some ants a motorcycle each, and they ain't been seen since.

6:09 PM  

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