Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Its your democratic right to be a Moron

I love the USA's gun laws. I firmly believe that every American, regardless of IQ should be allowed to carry a gun.

Of course, in the UK heathcare is free at the point of delivery so we really can't afford our idiots to tool up. So here's a little test to see if your clever enough to own a gun....

Can you spot the difference?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lucky he didnt get his zipper stuck. x

12:28 PM  
Blogger A Margarita said...

It might be our democratic right to own a gun but with the masses of idiots in our country, and trust me, we are definitely one of the dumber democratic countries, there's no way I can endorse easy access to guns for the masses. It's currently pretty easy to acquire a gun and we have extremely high rates of death through bullet wounds.

I propose we make people take IQ tests before allowing them to carry guns. I can already imagine the backlash.

3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here you are rich - what do you think? and he's good at dustpans!
On grief

Liam looked up and said, ‘Sir, my mum’s getting married tomorrow.’

‘How do you feel about that?’ I asked him.
He shrugged, ‘Okay.’
‘You’ll be wearing a suit?’ I asked, trying to winkle some enthusiasm out of him.
He nodded, eyes blank.

‘What’s your new step-dad like?’
He shrugged again, ‘Alright.’

‘Liam,’ someone shouted, ‘Lend us your Tippex.’
Liam raked in his bag, took out his Tippex and threw it to his pal. I normally embargo all throwing in class, especially correction fluid in leaky bottles, but Liam looked so glum I didn’t have the heart to chastise him.

Anyway, the moment had gone, Liam turned back to his work, and I continued my odyssey around room 101.

Liam’s a bit of naughty boy, a bit of a cheeky chappie, has been ever since Year nine, in the way that boys should be when they’re confident and chatty and quick. But this last year has seen his behaviour fall off the scale, with fights, vandalism and other criminal acts, both in school and out, to the point where he has been diagnosed as ADHD, and treated with Ritalin.

But the Ritalin acts on him like a chemical cosh; it calms him down to the point where he’s become a sort of zombie; he stopped being Liam.
In fact, he's just stopped.

And the thing is, he doesn’t have ADHD.
He has grief.
His mum and dad split two years ago. And a year later, when mum met her new husband-to-be, Liam’s childhood, already teetering at the edge, fell off a cliff.

Liam grieves for his lost family.
Liam grieves for himself.
I grieve for Liam. I can’t help it.

And the state put him on drugs.

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but plenty of kids survive a divorce (and much, much worse) without turning into violent thugs.

Sure he's upset. But that doesnt justify his behaviour.

1:52 PM  
Blogger M is for... said...

That is why I hold 2 citizenships... sometimes it's easier to hand over the spanish one than it is to explain how Americans survive themselves

10:26 PM  

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