Monday, October 23, 2006

Everyone loves a winner

And Britain just topped the league as the worst domestic energy waster in Europe.

Our main crimes are leaving things on stand-by. (Must confess, never the PC monitor but often the telly). Leaving mobile chargers plugged in. (don’t have a mobile. Yet another reason why mobile phones are evil) and leaving lights on. (I am terrible for this, I return home & chez rich is lit up like a Christmas tree. Even in rooms I never use the lights are somehow on.)

Still, I will make more of an effort in future. And, given that I am taking out the bathroom lights this evening and have no real idea what I am doing, there is an even chance that chez rich will have no working lighting for the foreseeable future.


Blogger BigDaddyMerk said...

I've started making sure my telly is turned off at the switch and not on standby and shutting down my pc more often but other stuff has to stay on like my sky box, my router and modem - they're not really made to be powered down.

I'm not sure about the phone charger thing though, I always thought that if your phone wasn't on charge it would use no electricity.

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you need now is neighbours called Margot & Gerry.

and an Aga.

9:05 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

Ah merk, although great steps have been made to make phone chargers less thirsty, they still draw a few watts when not plugged into a phone. Cable boxes are one of the worst culprits for energy wastage as you can never really turn them off.

I saw an article on this, but now I cant be arsed to find it. I am conserving energy by being so lazy.

2:26 AM  

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