Saturday, September 24, 2005

Evolution or act of god?

See, I was going to explain about how your granny was an Egyptian tea lady. And trust me, its fascinating stuff. But I feel we need to clear up the whole evolution or creationism thing first. Both. Pretty much. Darwin was right. If you put Giant tortoises on different islands for a few million years you get different tortoises. But not goats. Take wolves. We did. And in a very short time you have dogs. Great Danes and Chiwawa's. Pretty wide ranging. But basically still wolves. See, even if you buy the whole amoeba to man thing there is still that no life - life problem. Divine intervention, alien gamma ray, who knows. Certainly Darwin, Newton, Galileo, Einstein et al all went for the god option. And they're not blokes I feel I can argue with.
So if your view is that way back some god created a proto human Adam (and a few seconds later thought 'whoa, I better give him something to do with that before he wanks himself to death' and created a proto human Eve) well, I'm not objecting.
Even if you want to knock uninvited on my door, wearing an over pressed suit and over white teeth, and get me out of the bath to tell me that. OK. But don't then try to tell me that the world is two hundred and six years old because that's what it says in the bible. NO. Even if the bible is the word of god (and not a collection of bastardised folk tales mistranslated from the Jewish)its not a sin to believe its not meant to be taken literally.

Picture the scene. You're gods chosen people. You've been lost in the desert for a few decades, living of grubs. Things aren't great. So you pick the guy with the best beard to go up a mountain and have a word. And down he comes, a bit confused. "look, everything is made up of mostly nothing. But the bits that are something are lots of really small invisible atoms whizzing around. And these are made of even smaller invisible things called quarks that have different strangeness and charm and may be both a particle and a wave". And the guy at the back speaks up. Do you think he says: "So Moses, was there anything on resolving einsteinium and newtonian physics with regard to string theory and the role of relativistic time?". No what he says is: "Hey everyone, there's a great guy down the road who kills chickens and chants". And lo, the tribes of Israel are instantly reduced to one bloke who is just glad he didn't mention the bit about the world being a ball.

Now gods no fool. She's worked in advertising. She knows this won't work. So she thinks hell, I'll give them a few hints, a few guidelines, a massive brain and an incredible sense of curiosity. They'll figure it out. She must look down on suit teeth boy and wonder why she bothered. I just want to be there on judgment day when he turns up to find that god has six legs, shiny wing cases and is a forty foot high beetle. I reckon his expression would be magic, for the half a second before she bites his head off.


Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Telford and the crown here I come!

4:20 PM  
Blogger M is for... said...

I seem to recall some very smarty folks at a very smarty school - Columbia or Cal Tech - combining the elements thought to be free floating on earth eons ago and create an environment similar to what it was eons ago (all based on testing of old materials on earth and information gathered while watching the stars). They 'Stirred the soup" if you will and after a certain period of time, and testing at intervals found the formation of protiens - the basic building blocks of life. I wish i could remember more about the experiment. None the less, we call came from the very same beginings: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and a little nitrogen for good measure. When you let atoms free range in highly acidic environment and things will happen - even life.

I mean if life can form after a guy and agal get ripped and have at it for 3 hours....

As for the door knockers...
I respect them for having their faith and do not give them the Roman Catholic Line of crap, so i would love if they share an equal respect.

I believe it was Rowan Atcanson (sp?) who did a bit ages ago. He was the host at the gates of Hell and was sorting out the arrivals after the second coming. He started to divy up the folks... "yes, and I may I have all the christians here to the left... what? ... ah, yes, well, the Jews were right"

6:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr HG. welcome, welcome.
S. She. Yup. pretty much certain. There wouldn't be furry tiolet seat covers otherwise.
MN. Yup. you get protiens. You dont get self replicating and self modifying protiens. We can make all the building blocks of life. We just can't get it to do that one important thing. Live. I'm pretty much for evolution but lets not consider it case proven.

4:54 PM  
Blogger M is for... said...

Having studied Biology in College and Been through the Catholic ringer all years before, I belive one had a hand in the other. Some great power nudged the process along and then some of it evolved on it's own. They work together.

The thing is both are hypothesies as we don't really have imperical proof of either. I like that we don't - keeps us thinking, talking, theorizing.

One funny thought that kept popping in my head during my art history class - Most paintings/sculptures of Adam and Eve I have seen, they have belly buttons. They were born into existance as adults, they wouldn't have belly buttons, would they?

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No belly button?
but if they wanted to eat celery in bed where would they keep the salt?

5:45 PM  
Blogger M is for... said...


9:40 PM  
Blogger none said...

"Evolution or act of god?"


You see that age old question is the same as asking whether light is a particle or a wave. It's both.

The reality is that fundamental particles have intelligence, and when they agree to do something, it is a 'miracle' or act of god. That's how stars get born from black holes, and how life on earth was created. You see the probability of a gene being created is astronomically small. Evolution by itself does not explain the probabilites. But evolution is the mechanism by which intelligence was slowly made in large beings, like humans.

One could say a mystical 'god' acts from the particles, but it takes a lot of them agreeing if something other than chaos is going to occur.


10:59 PM  

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