Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Goat Thong supplement

Well, It's been busy at work. But not in an exciting way. In a sit in the office on your own all weekend doing shite kind of way. It's approaching crisis (update CV type crisis) and I'm working my nuts off. Except, the test rig runs like a dog. So I am doing a lot of very frustrating 'waiting'. And that's always a fine time to type random stuff into google. So leading on from my last blog I type in 'goat thong' really not expecting much. Boy was I wrong.

So, there's a lot of places offering all you need to make authentic American Indian objects. Apparently Goat thong is a key ingredient. (makes you wonder how they coped before the internet). There is an interesting feature on the Thong game park in Malaysia which includes wild goats amongst its inhabitants. There is a story about the time Loki (a Norse god)tied a goat to his scrotum with a leather thong. (it takes all sorts). And to my amazement, there are quite a lot of goat related underwear sites.

Youve just got to love that, I love my goat. Man, as soon as I have a new address those goat love boxers are mine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you learn that there are enough 'goat lovers' in the USA to generate a market for specialised goat lover underwear its some how less surprising that they elected George Bush.

8:04 AM  

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