Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Space is great.

Apparently the planet Saturn has 22 moons. That must drive the moths crazy. I was trying to find out if good old planet earth really has two moons. Seriously, I heard a rumour that theres a second moon but the CIA want to keep it quiet. So I'm moon surfing. And I'm not finding much on the 'other' moon. (which proves nothing, I also found nothing on invugs but we all know they're out there). I did however learn that Neptune has 8 moons and good old comedy plant Uranus has a rather greedy 21. Pluto has just one moon, Charon, but its so big that Pluto is sometimes considered a binary plant. And sometimes its not a planet at all. Just a big space rock. Mars has 2 moons, which seems reasonable and Jupiter has 63. 63? I bet Neil Armstrongs damn glad hes not a Jovian. "moon 17, yet another giant bloody leap for Jovkind, just another 46 small steps to go".


Blogger M is for... said...

No, that is where they hide the aliens. See back in the Apollo era, while we were sending up men for "exploration", it was really a smoke screen for the CIA, NSA and FBI to send up Stealth like ships to move Area 51 to the secondary, "Ghost Moon". The primary function of this moon is for study and communication between ourselves and our "friends" from space. Neil was just a poster boy, it was Elvis who made the first real trek. He is currently Mission Specialist 3, right behind JFK and The Lindberg Baby (who is actually a very bitter man with only one testicle) I digress...
SO in 1972, the completed the transfer of ships and bodies and personnel. Recently the shuttle issues are not due to mistakes or failing parts. It's the Andovian Mafia from Vertiran IIV. They're not happy about some deal involving Loch Ness (she's really a pricness of the vertirian royal family and she choose to hang here and meet boys) so they are sending us a Message to send her back or get her laid.

and that's that =)

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someones been sniffing the whiteboard markers again.

1:41 PM  
Blogger M is for... said...

I have no knowledge of markers of white board or any other variety....I do live right outside of Washington DC, maybe it's the lead in the water...
That would explain why I can get BBC Radio through the filling in my mouth

3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got a lot of welsh friends and your theory explains a great deal...

5:59 PM  

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