Thursday, February 07, 2008

which stall?

The gents at the crown is a work in progress and currently only has a single urinal.
This is mounted ridiculously low on the wall so that if your a tall man with short pipe work like OMR then your chances of the initial flow meeting the porcelain are not good.
And made considerably worse by several or more ales.

Still, a single urinal does at least avoid this:

So, for you blokes who drink in establishments with slightly larger facilities than the crown (or ladies who can't wait for the queue to the trap) there's this:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always sad when a good porclain trench is replaced by grotty urinals.

Ideally the crown should get that pinacle of pub engineering, the partitioned trench with splash board.

4:03 PM  
Blogger Mad Housewife said...

Nice to see you're posting about the important things in life.

4:29 PM  
Blogger Russ said...

Queuing up for the single enclosed stall in the Crown is a must right now, I find

8:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DefCon 3

The pupil morale at Bog Standard Technology College (motto: "Failure is just success, travelling in the wrong direction") has been, erm, exuberant this week.

We've had four assaults on staff, a School-gate brawl between a parent and three year 11's, two false fire-alarms and sundry other indicators of a slightly fevered mood amongst society's future leaders.

I even heard an as-yet unconfirmed rumour that the Head Teacher had been spotted.
Outside his office.
During school hours.

If this was to be believed, and to be honest, I'd put more credence in a timely reappearance of Jade Goody on Celebrity Big Brother, it was a clear indicator that disruption and bad behaviour was reaching critical mass or, as my tutor group would put it, life was 'getting spicy'.

My personal response in these trying times is to do exactly what Senior Management do.

From long and detailed observation, I can confirm that this involves keeping your head down and avoiding all situations where you might observe, and therefore have to deal with, bad behaviour or, worst of all, make a decision. It also removes the chances of being told to F*ck Off! or being used for target practice by anyone with a football or an unwanted sandwich.

It means hiding in your office, basically.

But in the absence of an office door to cower behind, it means hiding in the staffroom. This system works fine at break and lunch, but it falls down a tad during lessons, when dozens of teenagers slouch into my room, some of them even demanding to be taught stuff.

Of course, I try to oblige.

1:53 PM  

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