Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Still dieting, still miserable

So I’m sitting in the crown drinking orange & passion fruit Juice. As SJ tells me this matches my personality. I’m not sure if this is good or not. But monkey is on peach and mango juice so I figure I’m a winner. Now, I am drinking this as part of my highly enjoyable diet. Monkey is driving. His non drinking, as predicted, failed to go past new years day.

So, there we sit. Supping fruit juice. Looking like a couple of queers on a bad date. Its not the best time I’ve ever had. Fortunately, unlike beer, fruit juice sits heavy, I can only manage two, so I’m home by nine.

And wake up at 2am with a massive dose of Hobsons arse. How unfair is that. I never had a drop of the good stuff, but apparently just inhaling the fumes renders my bowels liquid. Two damn hours sweating on the pan in the middle of the night. Still, must have lost a few pounds.


Blogger Mad Housewife said...

Good luck!

3:04 PM  

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