Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I normally shop at the co-op. Ok, it’s a bit expensive, and the selection isn’t great, but I think you should support your local store. Besides, one of the girls on the checkouts has nice eyes & its conveniently close to the Crown. But sometimes I need a big supermarket. I used to shop at Sainsbury’s, but they changed the layout & made the aisle’s narrower. I couldn’t find anything and fighting past the double parked trolleys pissed me off, so I abandoned them. Then I started using ASDA. Its next to work, good quality, and cheap. But its full of poor people. Now, there’s nothing wrong with the poor per se, but I don’t want to shop with them. I mean, your queuing with people with nits. Yuck. So, its back to Sainsbury’s (I can’t afford Marks & Sparks and Tesco is just to common). And I must say, the standard of tottie is definitely higher than its competitors. The young moms are not your usual Telford 14 year old chavs, its actually quite pleasant viewing, but the aisle’s are to narrow, there are too many people, the queues are too long.
However, Old man Rich has a solution. You see, I work. I can only shop at lunchtimes, evenings and weekends. However, there are lots of people who don’t work. Old People. The unemployed. Students. Mothers. Teachers (for 12 weeks a year), Santa, Vicars, (1 day a week – idle tossers). So, ban the lazy job shy scum from our supermarkets during lunchtimes and evenings. Make them switch of the Columbo re-runs, get off their lazy arses and go shopping whilst us good, honest, decent tax payers are at work. Actually, lets ban fat people and ugly people too. And under 18’s. And over 50’s. And pushchairs, wheelchairs, walking frames and people who use trolly’s rather than baskets. And blokes. In fact, it should just be me and attractive girls. And they should have to shop naked. Come on you supermarkets, do you want my trade or what?


Blogger BigDaddyMerk said...

I love Tescos, it's much better than the ADSA (skag heads) and Morrisons (which is just full of random mental folk). I was in ASDA last week, it's and Evil please. The produce isn't even that good.

Tesco's and Sainsburys all the way.

Should also point out to viewers that Richard once stole a whole basket of shopping from ADSA once, I'm surprised they ever let him back in.

3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did not 'steal' a whole basket of shopping. I merely forgot to pay. When I got to work and my boss pointed out that normally you left the wire baskets in the shop I realised my error. And I returned the basket AND paid for the goods.

4:12 PM  
Blogger BigDaddyMerk said...

"I forgot to pay your honour" - pull the other one.

And what about the time you went in your slippers?

4:57 PM  
Blogger M is for... said...

Perhaps you should find a deliver service for your groceries? That way there is no need for you to witness the randomness of humanity that lurks in the aisles.

6:56 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

Having worked at ASDA and having been involved in chasing skag head shop lifters half way to oakengates (razor blades, coffee and deoderant!) I can put my hand on my heart and say never again would I want to work in a supermarket.

When a chav walks past you, with a trolley loaded over the top with lamb shanks, and beef joints, you know he isn't just trying to stock the chest freezer.

However! supermarkets are great places because most of them have tons of young girls who "look up" to the older, more mature members of staff.

I had to beat them off with a stick, mate!

7:43 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

I highly recommend Googling under IMAGES: "shopping cart hi-jacker".

6:23 PM  

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