Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hooray for spring

Its spring. And eveything grows apace at chez rich. Well, I say everything. Nettles mainly. Being away means the yard has been a bit negleted. My seedlings in the greenhouse are just not growing. I'm not sure why. I can't think that my presence makes that much difference. But just in case I spent an hour in the greenhouse yesterday cheering them on. I even made a little growing song...

grow. grow, grow up big and stong,
grow, grow, it shouldnt take this long,
grow, grow, grow up nice and tall,
grow you little F***ers or I will compost you all.

Ok, its not shakespeare, but a suitable combination of encouragement & threat I felt. Lets hope they get the message. Something has eaten my runner bean and marrow seedlings. All of them. I dont think its slugs as I pellet heavily. I know, I know, and outside I am organic. But in the greenhouses I pellet & spray. So if its not slugs I'm thinking mice. So I am going to get a humane trap. But, working away all week means that its not exactly that humane. Still, I'm sure that mice can go for days without food & water... or is that camels? God, I hope I've not got camels in the greenhouse.

I also created a swamp area in the wildlife area for some water Iris and marsh marigolds and thinned the vegitation in the wildlife pond. The pond is heaving with tadpoles at the moment so should have a good crop of frogs to thin the slug population a bit. And there are a few bumble bees buzzing lazily between the primroses. I saw my first butterfly of the year and the blackbirds are decidedly frisky. Yes, its spring and its good.


Blogger Jessica said...

Glad to see you're helping out the bee population. Spring is getting edged out by summer over here. It may be fleeting, but it sure is beautiful.

4:56 AM  
Blogger Steve said...

I might need some tips from you.

We just moved into a new place with a huge garden! We've inherited Orange, Lemon, Mandarin and apricot trees. Also, we have two fancy compost makers (one bin style, one giant tumbler!). We also have two full beehives! Included with the lease was the suit and smoker to confuse the bees!

Unfortunately, due to the threat of the west nile virus, we can't have any standing water. So there goes my water feature.

5:00 AM  

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