Dr Dumbarse
So, looks like the recent car bomb attempts in the UK were carried out by a bunch of doctors. Does this worry you, too? Not for the obvious reasons. But lets look at these ‘bombs’. Basically, a pile of gas canisters, a lot of petrol, a few bags of nails & a mobile phone timer. So what’s supposed to happen? Well, the mobile phone ignites the petrol, The car turns into a fireball which causes the gas canisters to, well, not explode. Apparently, when gas canisters go up the valve goes & rather than exploding they turn into a sort of rocket propelled torpedo. That’s why firemen recommend standing well back & just letting them go off. Not to nice if your in front of one, but hardly mass carnage. The nails presumably just melt. That’s if it all works. They didn’t. And it turns out that the bombers had kindly left a contact list on the mobile to make life easy for the police. Oops.
Are you seeing my point? It’s the sort of crappy unsophisticated bomb attempt that I would expect from a psychopathic six year old who never quite understood the Blue Peter Tracy Island instructions. Its all well & good if the terrorist is a retarded beetle farmer from the foothills of Stupidostan, but not what you expect from a trained medical professional. Now, I’m obviously not recommending explosives 101 as compulsory study for medical students, but I really question the wisdom of letting people to dumb to type ‘bomb making’ into Google treat patients.
Of course, the fact that they apparently want to kill and maim lots of people probably doesn’t jell too well with the Hippocratic oath either. Presumably they didn’t put that on the C.V.
Are you seeing my point? It’s the sort of crappy unsophisticated bomb attempt that I would expect from a psychopathic six year old who never quite understood the Blue Peter Tracy Island instructions. Its all well & good if the terrorist is a retarded beetle farmer from the foothills of Stupidostan, but not what you expect from a trained medical professional. Now, I’m obviously not recommending explosives 101 as compulsory study for medical students, but I really question the wisdom of letting people to dumb to type ‘bomb making’ into Google treat patients.
Of course, the fact that they apparently want to kill and maim lots of people probably doesn’t jell too well with the Hippocratic oath either. Presumably they didn’t put that on the C.V.
so you dont think this undermining of the NHS & additional pressure on the prison system will cause a major change in forign policy then?
Hey, the Blue Peter Tracey Island was a toughie. And a bit more respect to Stupidostanian beetle farmers please.
so you see rich - this is the problem - you remember the pics of the bombing at Glasgow? well a gallon of petrol about £4.50, 4 gas cylinders about £25 a jeep cheeoke (with air con) about £25,000 - watching a muslim burn er, well i guess, priceless - and I'm seroisly middle of the road - god knows what others are thinking! should we be worried rich? and i hate the smell of paint in the crown!
I'm assuming they got the jeep on credit
Your title says it all.
I was at a wedding on Saturday, two friends who are both doctors, lots of doctors attending the wedding. A few comments by people in speeches about the safe hands we were in should anything untoward happen. If you'd have seen the doctors carving a ham at ten o'clock at night whilst drunk like I did then you would have shat yourself and quietly expired instead of accepting treatment.
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