Wednesday, October 10, 2007

wot? no Hobsons?

Last night was strange. Sitting in the Crown drinking Hobsons and listening to the ravings of loons is usually a pleasant way to spend an evening. But, alas and alack. There was no Hobsons. Just sorry left overs from the recently departed beer festival. And the loons were out in force and raving like it was a full moon. I couldn’t stand it. I left early. I ‘gasp’ drank elsewhere.


Blogger BigDaddyMerk said...

you where a bit mardy, where did you drink?

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just to let you know the Hobsons came back on today at dinner time ready for you Rich xx

5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks anon.
I have partaken of an ale or two.
And love everyone once more.

10:06 PM  

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