Just call me Farmer Rich
This morning was one of those colds bright Autumn mornings. After a huge absence all summer I now have an abundance of assorted butterflies. Mostly enjoying the sedum. So I spent a happy hour failing to photograph them. This one was the only one I got.
Then, when I returned from work, my worm farm had arrived. Excitement. Or at least as close as I get these days. So now I can turn my kitchen waste into compost to my hearts content. OK, it cost a few quid. But if I can get it turning over I shouldn't need to buy compst next year, so it will actually pay for itself. It also provedes a supply of worm pee which (allegedly) makes a fine liquid fertilizer.
"Can-o-Worms," that's great! A friend gave me a small container of worms last year for my garden. Of course, she'd named them all and asked me to take good care of them. I think I fed one of them to my turtle a few weeks later...
Post some pics of your compost bin when you set it up!
I hear you can mail order ladybugs, too. It's all the rage at toddler birthday parties. Next time, I'll be the only mom who brought a worm bucket.
Love the butterfly pic.
Can-o-worms, not so much.
ummm.... how does one collect worm pee?
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